Adamus Equestrian focuses on show jumping, and is represented by the best Polish riders. The club reached second place in the Polish equestrian federation's ranking with its achievements for 2022 and is in the fifth place in the youth category. Our member Przemysław Konopacki was recognized as the best rider in the country.
In addition to supporting of sport activities of the riders, Adamus financially supports many other showjumping events in Poland.
Adamus is the owner of many exceptionally promising stallions that are also active in breeding. You can view the whole portfolio in the Stallion section.
The founder of the club is Bartosz Adamus a successful businessman, horse lover, patron of equestrian sports and, last but not least, also an active showjumper.
The founder of the club is Bartosz Adamus a successful businessman, horse lover, patron of equestrian sports and, last but not least, also an active showjumper.